
Martha Wooding-Young headshot

Martha offers clients 35 years of global business experience, 25 years of contemplative practice, and a lifetime of formal and informal coaching. Her philosophy is grounded in awareness, inquiry, and exploration to enhance each leader’s ability to become more fully present with reality, refining perception to improve effectiveness, and to find joy in work and play. Martha evokes transformational change to grow resilient leaders for a sustainable world.

During her tenure on Wall Street, Martha advised global leaders in business, finance, and national, state, and local government through crises, triumphs, and transformations. This experience informs Martha’s coaching as she guides her clients to look carefully at leadership styles, identities, and habitual patterns to improve performance and enhance effectiveness. Martha incorporates the practice of presence and somatic awareness in her coaching to support personal evolution. Her clients uncover their blind spots and drivers, harness their greatest strengths through understanding their weaknesses, and create the best version of their work and life.

While an investment banker, Martha introduced the practice of presence as a tool for resilience and stress management. She conceived, designed, and implemented trainings attended by more than 5,000 individuals and led short awareness and emotional intelligence practices attended by hundreds of teammates each week. She has given keynote addresses at conferences for clients and colleagues as part of her customized keynote and team training offering. Martha also offers pro-bono coaching to emerging leaders in social sectors.

Tree in sunlight

Martha received her BSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science, her certificate in leadership coaching from Georgetown University and is an ACC-certified coach with the International Coaching Federation. She is certified to deliver the EQ-I 2.0 suite of emotional intelligence assessment tools. She is also certified by the University of Massachusetts Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program. Martha has more than 15,000 hours of personal meditation practice including annual silent retreats for the last two decades. 

Martha resides on a farm in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband and their pugs, enjoying visits from their children, grandchildren, and friends, as well as working in the woods and gardens, practicing yoga, and maintaining daily meditation practice.
