The Resilient Executive Logo


In a complex, ever-changing world, how do you consistently bring your best and most effective self to your biggest challenges? Resilience-focused leadership coaching creates a sustainable personal path toward creating the best version of your life.

Martha Wooding-Young

Martha offers clients 35 years of global business experience, 25 years of contemplative practice, and a lifetime of formal and informal coaching. Martha evokes transformational change to grow resilient leaders for a sustainable world.

Coaching and Training Grounded in Presence

One-on-one leadership coaching supports executives in times of questioning, transition, or burnout, as well as those seeking to level-up their leadership. Coaching is supported by the practice of presence – allowing space for centering and balancing. Pay it forward with Martha’s mindfulness program development and keynotes to support team and company resilience through awareness and emotional intelligence training.


Coaching, Demystified

We co-create a safe crucible to uncover your inner game, unnoticed self-talk, and subconscious limitations, seeking to make visible the invisible. Enhance your ability to inhabit your authentic power by transforming weakness into insight and learning to embrace challenges.